Monday, January 5, 2009

It's a New Year!!!

Good Morning,

It's a beautiful day. It's snowing. The flakes are big and fluffy. It's just a perfect winter snowstorm. Depending on how long it lasts I'll see if I'm that happy about it later on.

I don't know if you make New Year's Resolutions. I don't. The general feeling around the office is that you are setting yourself up to fail. I think the reason for that is because we make our goals (resolutions) so big they are totally unobtainable. I make daily goals, weekly goals, and monthly goals. That's it!!! I try to live one day at a time and make it the best I possibly can. If I can do that I'm in good shape.

I found a couple of papers from one of the blogs I follow that helped me to assess 2008 and plan some things for 2009. I was going to share it with you, but I left it home this morning. It asked some questions that made me think about why some things happened the way they did. You can't control everything in your life, but the choices you make point you in certain directions. I don't always think about the direction when I'm making the choice. I'm going to try to think ahead a bit more. It will make the results of my life a lot better. (I think).

2008 was a good year. I have a good job. I have good friends. I have a wonderful husband. I have wonderful children and super grandchildren. My health has been good and Jeff's health has been good. We've had enough to pay our bills and eat and keep a roof over our heads. What more do we need.

2009 will be a good year too. It has started out good and I see no reason for it not to continue. I'm thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I'm thankful all of my children and grandchildren are happy and healthy. I'm thankful for a good husband who helps me keep on the right road. I'm thankful a wonderful mother who blesses my life all the time with her sweet spirit. I'm thankful for the gift of repentance because I use it on a daily basis. I hope 2009 is a good year for all of my friends and family. I do know it will only be as good as you think it will.

Have a great day!!! You deserve it!!!